El número de la Lotería de Navidad IFCC, el 39.290, vuelve a repartir suerte en Ibiza y Formentera

IFCC Christmas Lottery Ticket Number 39290 Brings Luck Once Again to Ibiza and Formentera

This same number handed out €218,400 in the Pitiusas during Christmas 2022, after 1,820 lottery tickets were sold, each winning €120.

The Christmas Lottery number sold each year by the Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer Association (IFCC) has once again brought good fortune to Ibiza and Formentera for everyone who decided to buy this charity ticket, which automatically donated three euros to this local NGO in the Pitiusas.

The winning IFCC number was 39,290, matching the last digits of El Gordo de Navidad, meaning ticket holders won €120, with €100 per décimo and €20 for the reintegro. In total, IFCC managed to sell 1,930 décimos, mostly to island residents.

The President of the Association, Elizabeth Gail Fear, was delighted for all those who supported the organisation and were rewarded with this ticket, saying, “It’s a magical and charitable number that has been bringing luck for many years.”

Indeed, this same number handed out €218,400 in the Pitiusas during the 2022 Christmas Lottery draw, after 1,820 décimos were sold, each winning €120. Likewise, the Association considers 39290 a “magical” number that has, on several occasions in recent years, rewarded those who purchased it by reimbursing its cost.

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